Onboarding Sessions

Onboarding the ProCare Way

The “ProCare Way” is a combination of people and processes based on successfully implementing thousands of people. To ensure a successful implementation, we will guide you through each step of the ProCare Way.

We look forward to working with you and taking this journey together!

Onboarding and Implementation Stages

Your onboarding process will follow these six stages. To learn more, click on a stage or scroll down the page.


Stage 1

Client Database Set-Up

What is a Champion?

Champions are key people in your agency who will be responsible for your database setup and implementation.

In these four sessions, we will introduce the Procentive training process including what to expect, clinical forms, and communication. We will also build your live client database together by inputting real data and services to ensure a seamless journey through all other training stages.

Session Information

Stage One | Weeks 1-4

    • Session 1: Training Kick Off

    • Session 2: Build the Foundation

    • Session 3: Client Intake

    • Session 4: Documenting a Service

**Additional 2-3 sessions during this stage for residential facilities that are going to use Bed Management**

Stage 2

Live Billing

What is a Billing Champion?

This person is your revenue expert.

They know which CPT codes you bill, the rates you charge for services, the payers you send claims to each day, and the unique claim submission rules (if there are any) that are part of sending clean claims. They post payments and track down denials. Smaller agencies might have just one billing champion; larger agencies usually have more.

These three sessions are biller focused. We will begin sending live claims, reviewing clearinghouse reports, receiving ERA’s, posting payments, and checking client eligibility. Then we will repeat the process until it is fluid and well ingrained.

Session Information

Stage Two | Weeks 5-7

    • Session 5: First Claims Submission 

    • Session 6: Payment Basics 

    • Session 7: A Day in the Life of a Biller 

Stage 3

Beyond the Basics

What is a Champion?

Champions are key people in your agency who will be responsible for your database setup and implementation.

The Billing Champion is your revenue expert.

In these three sessions we will examine all the ways to display and track data through dashboards, accounting, reporting, and aging invoices. Together we will walk through several possible advanced billing scenarios.

Session Information

Stage Three | Weeks 8-10

    • Session 8: Reporting and Permissions

    • Session 9: Advanced Billing 

    • Session 10: Accounting 

Stage 4

Clinical Integration

What is a Champion?

Champions are key people in your agency who will be responsible for your database setup and implementation.

In these four sessions, we will introduce the Procentive training process including what to expect, clinical forms, and communication. We will also build your live client database together by inputting real data and services to ensure a seamless journey through all other training stages.

Session Information

Stage Four | Weeks 11-12

    • Session 11: A Day in the Life of Clinician 

    • Session 12: Communications 

Stage 5

Go Live

What is a Champion?

Champions are key people in your agency who will be responsible for your database setup and implementation.

In these four sessions, we will introduce the Procentive training process including what to expect, clinical forms, and communication. We will also build your live client database together by inputting real data and services to ensure a seamless journey through all other training stages.

Stage Five | Week 12

    • Go Live Week!

Stage 6

Continued Care

What is a Champion?

Champions are key people in your agency who will be responsible for your database setup and implementation.

In these four sessions, we will introduce the Procentive training process including what to expect, clinical forms, and communication. We will also build your live client database together by inputting real data and services to ensure a seamless journey through all other training stages.

Session Information

Stage Six | Weeks 13-20

    • Session 13: Client Life Cycles 

    • Session 14: Final Implementation 

    • Session 15: Wrap Up 

Next Stage: Client Database Set-Up

Client Database Set-Up