Stage 2 | Weeks 5-7

Live Billing

These three sessions are biller focused. We will begin sending live claims, reviewing clearinghouse reports, receiving ERA’s, posting payments, and checking client eligibility. Then we will repeat until the process is fluid and well ingrained.

Session Lengths: Approximately 1 Hour

Session 5

First Claims Submission

What is a Billing Champion?

This person is your revenue expert. They know which CPT codes you bill, the rates you charge for services, the payers you send claims to each day, and the unique claim submission rules (if there are any) that are part of sending clean claims. They post payments and track down denials. Smaller agencies might have just one billing champion; larger agencies usually have more.

All your hard work of setting up the database and making your services lines comes into play. Sending out your first claims for payment. We will discuss the process of how you will send out your claims and view claims.

Pre-Session Action Items

Session 5 Topics

    • Running Eligibility

    • Time Module

      • Audit-Ready

    • Billing Module

      • Sending Claims

Session 6

Payment Basics

What is a Billing Champion?

This person is your revenue expert. They know which CPT codes you bill, the rates you charge for services, the payers you send claims to each day, and the unique claim submission rules (if there are any) that are part of sending clean claims. They post payments and track down denials. Smaller agencies might have just one billing champion; larger agencies usually have more.

We will be working on allocating all the payments that you have coming into Procentive for your claims. Either by processing ERAs or client payments.

Pre-Session Action Items

Session 6 Topics

    • Day in the Life of a Biller

    • Payments (Insurance and Client)

Session 7

Day in the Life of a Biller

What is a Billing Champion?

This person is your revenue expert. They know which CPT codes you bill, the rates you charge for services, the payers you send claims to each day, and the unique claim submission rules (if there are any) that are part of sending clean claims. They post payments and track down denials. Smaller agencies might have just one billing champion; larger agencies usually have more.

This meeting is critical on learning how to balance and process ERAs (Electronic Remittance Advice) that you are receiving from insurance companies.

Pre-Session Action Items

Session 7 Topics

    • Day in the Life of a Biller

    • ERA (Electronic Remittance Advice)


Client Database Set-Up




Beyond the Basics